Astrophotographic results obtained with this telescope on Astrobin
Here you can find some astrophotographs made with this telescope model:
Link to AstrobinRosette Nebula with TL Apo 80/480mmField flattening with TS 2" Flattener© by Wolfi Ransburg
... more infos and max. resolution (in Germany)Only 125 min of integration time have been enough to capture this Nebula. Observation site: Munich east. Atmosphere: slightly foggy.FST: approx. 4m5.
Telescope: TL APO 80/480mm-- Field flattening with TS 2" Flattener-- RGB channels by Baader RGB filter set-- CCD camera: ATIK 4000 Beweis für die Farbreinheit des Triplet APOs:Herr Werner Mehl hat mit einer Bahtinov Maske die Schärfeeinstellung am TS Triplet Apo 80/480mm fotografiert. Obwohl die Durchlassbereiche der einzelnen Filter im sichtbaren Spektrum verteilt sind, war ein Nachfokussieren zwischen den einzelnen Filtern nicht nötig. Die Schärfeeinstellung konnte unverändert so belassen werden. Das ist ein wirklicher Beweis dass der Apo exakt die gleiche Schärfeebene von Blau bis Rot hat. Wir kennen vergleichbare Ergebnisse nur von deutlich teureren russischen APOs.Herzlichen Dank für diese aufschlussreiche Dokumentation.
Photographs by our customer Adrien Witczak
Adrien Witczak ( from Auby (France) has photographed a part of the nebulae around Gamma Cygni, also known as IC 1318:
Object: Part of the Gamma Cygni NebulaTelescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Imaging Corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.79x 2" ED Reducer Corrector (TSRed279)
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5
Filter: IDAS LPS D1 Filter
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro
Guiding Scope: Skywatcher 9x50 mm
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Software: PixInSight / Photoshop
Sky Brightening: Bortle 4
Congratulations for this beautiful image!
Adrien Witczak has also photographed Markarian´s Chain:
Object: Markarian´s ChainTelescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Imaging Corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.79x 2" ED Reducer Corrector (TSRed279)
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5
Nebula Filter: IDAS LPS D1 Filter
Imaging Camera: Canon 1000D at 400 ASA
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120 MC
Control: ASI AIR PRO (new model)
Exposure Times: 60x 180 s (3 h retained from total of 6 h)
Software: PixInSight / Photoshop
Sky Brightening: Bortle 4
Congratulations also for this fascinating image!
Images by our customer Florent Julien
Florent Julien from Toulouse (France) took several images with this telescope:
Object: Andromeda Galaxy (M 31)Photographer: Florent Julien (Toulouse, France)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo TLAPO804
Imaging Camera: Canon 6D (astromodified)
Exposure Time: 120* 2 min at ISO1600
Guiding Scope: Kepler 60/240
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Object: Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405)Photographer: Florent Julien (Toulouse, France)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo TLAPO804
Imaging Camera: Canon 6D (astromodified)
Exposure Time: 160* 3 min at ISO1600
Guiding Scope: Kepler 60/240
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Object: Orion Nebula (M 42)Photographer: Florent Julien (Toulouse, France)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo TLAPO804
Imaging Camera: Canon 6D (astromodified)
Exposure Time: 45* 120 s at ISO1600 + 60* 30 s at ISO800
Guiding Scope: Kepler 60/240
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Object: Cone Nebula (NGC 2264)Photographer: Florent Julien (Toulouse, France)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo TLAPO804
Imaging Camera: Canon 6D (astromodified)
Exposure Time: 125* 3 min at ISO1600
Guiding Scope: Kepler 60/240
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO
Many thanks to Florent Julien from France for these great images!
Images by our customer Anders H. Langhoff
Anders H. Langhoff from Denmark took two images with this telescope, and for him it was the first image of the respective object in each case:
Object: Soul Nebula (IC 1848), two-part mosaicPhotographer: Anders H. Langhoff (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet-Apo TLAPO804
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro
Exposure time: 8 h in total for each panel
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro
Object: Fossile Footprint Nebula (NGC 1491)Photographer: Anders H. Langhoff (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet-Apo TLAPO804
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro
Exposure time: 13 h in total
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro
Many thanks to Anders Langhoff from Denmark for these very pleasing images!
Images by our customer "Mau_Bard"
Astrobin user "Mau_Bard" from Vienna (Austria) took an image of the Lion Nebula (Sh2-132) with this telescope:
Object: Lion Nebula (Sh2-132Photographer: "Mau_Bard" (Vienna, Austria)
Imaging Date: 2022-11-14
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet-Apo (TLAPO804)
Motor Focus: Primaluce Lab SESTO SENSO 2 (PL-SESTOSENSO2)
Imaging Corrector: TS-Optics TSCFRed80 (TSCFRED80)
Filter: Optolong L-eNhance EOS APS-C (L-ENHANCE-EOS)
Imaging Camera: Canon EOS 77D (link to alternatives)
Guiding Scope: Lacerta GuideScope 50mm (link to alternatives)
Guiding Camera: ZWO ASI178MM (ASI178MM)
Exposure Times: 102x 480 s (13 h 36 min)
Congratulations on this beautiful image!
More images from our customer Anders H. Langhoff
Anders H. Langhoff from Denmark has taken three new images with this telescope:
Object: Elepant´s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396)Photographer: Anders H. Langhoff (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Imaging corrector: TS-Optics 0.8x Corrector for TS 80 mm f/6 CF-Apo and Triplet APO (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: TS-Optics ToupTek MONO Astro Camera 2600MP (TS2600MP)
Exposure time: 16 h total
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro (EQ6-R)
Object: Pleiades (M 45)Photographer: Anders H. Langhoff (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Imaging corrector: TS-Optics 0.8x Corrector for TS 80 mm f/6 CF-Apo and Triplet APO (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: TS-Optics ToupTek MONO Astro Camera 2600MP (TS2600MP)
Exposure time: 19 h total
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro (EQ6-R)
Objects: The Lobster Claw and Bubble Nebula (LBN540/SH2-157 and SH2-162)Photographer: Anders H. Langhoff (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Imaging corrector: TS-Optics 0.8x Corrector for TS 80 mm f/6 CF-Apo and Triplet APO (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: TS-Optics ToupTek MONO Astro Camera 2600MP (TS2600MP)
Exposure time: 8 h total
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro (EQ6-R)
Many thanks to Anders Langhoff from Denmark for these beautiful images!
Images by our customer Enol Matilla
Astrobin user
Enol Matilla from Asturias (Spain) imaged two different types of nebulae with this telescope:
Object: Medusa Nebula (Abell 21)Photographer: Enol Matilla (Asturias, Spain)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: StellaMira 2" Field Flattener (link to Hotech SCA-FFT58 as alternative)
Filter wheel: ZWO EFW 8x1.25" (ZWOEFW8x1.25)
Filters: Astronomik 6 nm H-Alpha (8h00f3), Astronomik 6 nm O-III (8h00f3)
Imaging camera: Atik 460Ex mono (ATIK460EXm)
Off axis guider: ZWO OAG (ZWOOAG)
Guiding camera: Starlight Xpress LodestarC (LodestarC)
Exposure time: 19 h 20 min in total
Mount: iOptron CEM40 (C401A1)
Object: LBN 782 (blue nebula) in the Taurus molecular cloudPhotographer: Enol Matilla (Asturias, Spain)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: StellaMira 2" Field Flattener (link to Hotech SCA-FFT58 as alternative)
Filter wheel: ZWO EFW 8x1.25" (ZWOEFW8x1.25)
Filters: ZWO L-RGB (ZWOnewLRGB)
Imaging camera: Atik 460Ex mono (ATIK460EXm)
Off axis guider: ZWO OAG (ZWOOAG)
Guiding camera: Starlight Xpress LodestarC (LodestarC)
Exposure time: 19 h 30 min in total
Mount: iOptron CEM40 (C401A1)
Congratulations on this beautiful images!
Images by our customer Kemal Öz
Astrobin user
Kemal Öz from Ankara (Turkey) has photographed several nebulae with this telescope:
Object: Elephant`s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A)Photographer: Kemal Öz (Ankara, Turkey)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Filter: IDAS NB2 (NB2-52 or NB2-48)
Imaging camera: Astrolumina QHY183 C (Alccd183c)
Exposure time: 2 h 57 min in total
Mount: iOptron HEM27 (HEM27)
Object: Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237)Photographer: Kemal Öz (Ankara, Turkey)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Filter: Antlia Alp-T (ALP-T-2)
Imaging camera: TS-Optics ToupTek IMX 571 (TS2600CP)
Exposure time: 10 h 27 min in total
Mount: iOptron HEM27 (HEM27)
Object: Horsehead Nebula (B33 in front of IC 434)Photographer: Kemal Öz (Ankara, Turkey)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Filter: IDAS NB2 (NB2-52 or NB2-48)
Imaging camera: Astrolumina QHY183 C (Alccd183c)
Exposure time: 2 h 57 min in total
Mount: iOptron HEM27 (HEM27)
Congratulations on these great photos!
Images by our customer Kai Nimmrichter
Kai Nimmrichter from Saarland has only been practicing astrophotography since spring 2023, but already has good results to show (partly using a spike mask):
Object: Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237)Photographer: Kai Nimmrichter (Saarland, Germany)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro (ASI294MCpro)
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQM-35 PRO (EQM-35)
Object: Andromeda Galaxy (M 31)Photographer: Kai Nimmrichter (Saarland, Germany)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro (ASI294MCpro)
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQM-35 PRO (EQM-35)
Object: Heart Nebula (IC 1805)Photographer: Kai Nimmrichter (Saarland, Germany)
Telescope: TS-Optics Photoline 80 mm f/6 FPL53 triplet apo (TLAPO804)
Field corrector: TS-Optics REFRACTOR 0.8x Corrector (TSCFRED80)
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI294MC Pro (ASI294MCpro)
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQM-35 PRO (EQM-35)
Congratulations on these nice photos!