Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSGPU

EUR 329,90

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The TS GPU Aplanatic Newtonian Coma Corrector for Astrophotography
The coma corrector is a further development of the GPU by Pal Gyulai - GPU-Optics. The result is a high quality 4-element corrector that provides round stars over the entire field of view even with larger camera sensors. Just enter TS Superflat Coma Corrector on Astrobin and you will see how well the corrector works on Newtonian telescopes.

In opposite to 2-element correctors, the stars are not enlarged, there are no halos. Furthermore, the whole construction is designed to be free from reflexes. Even bright stars wll be shown without reflexes or ghostings.

The Advantages of the GPU Coma Corrector:
Very good coma correction for Newtonian telescopes from f/3.5 to f/6
Suitable for full-frame format, depending on the image train and secondary mirror used.
No change of the focal length.
The focus plane is shifted outwards by 20 mm. This prevents the corrector from protruding into the inside of the tube.
Stars are smaller - no halo effects.
The corrector can be clamped, but also screwed to the focuser by an optional adapter.
The TS GPU corrector offers correction up to full-frame sensors. But for perfect illumination, a FLAT is necessesary.

Astrophotographic results made with this corrector on Astrobin
Here you can find astrophotos taken with this corrector: Link to Astrobin

The optimal working distance from the M48 thread to the camera sensor:
The optimum working distance is 55 mm from the M48 male thread. The external thread itself does not count, as it disappears in the connection adapter. With our extensive range of adapters, you can always achieve the optimum distance.

Die Innovation from TS Optics - screw the GPU corrector to the focuser.
With optional adapters you can screw the corrector to the drawer. For this purpose the corrector has an extended M48x0.75 thread on the camera side. Simply turn down the lock ring and you have 3 mm more M48 thread for screw adaptations available.

By the threaded connection, you gain stability and also accuracy. The image is improved and heavy cameras can be used, too.

Suggestion for an astro camera with 17.5 mm camera back focus and T2 connector:
The camera back focus or flange focal distance is the distance from the T2 (M42x0.75) thread to the sensor. Most cooled astro cameras have this distance.

Adaption with filter drawer for filter change:
Astro Camera ... 17.5 mm flange focal distance
TSM48-T2L extension to M48 ... 6 mm travel
TSFSLM48 ... filter drawer ... 18 mm travel
BAHYP14 ... 14 mm M48 extension ... 14 mm path

The additional 0.5 mm compensates the optical path of the filter. About 1/3 of the filter thickness must always be added to the working distance of the corrector (55 mm).
Type:Newtonian coma corrector
Optics:4-element system
Length:100 mm to the camera connection
Working distance:55 mm
Connecting thread at the camera side:M48x0.75 male - length 5 mm
Filter thread for 2" filters:yes
Counter ring with M48 female thread:length 3 mm - can be unscrewed for screw adaptations
Coating:Multicoating on each lens
GPU Coma Corrector with Locking Ring
Dust Caps

Image from our customer Bert Moyaers
Our customer Bert Moyaers from Kampenhout (Belgium) took a picture of NGC 6888 with this corrector:

Object: Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888)

Photographer: Bert Moyaers
Date: 28.10.2021
Telescope: TS Photon 150 f/5 (TPM6F5)
Motor fokuser: ZWO 5V EAF Advanced
Coma corrector: TS-Optics TSGPU
Filter: Optolong L-eXtreme2
Camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro
Guiding scope: TS-Optics 50 mm Guiding Scope (TSL501)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MC-S
Mount: Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT with PMC-Eight
Frames: 56x300" (4h 40´)

A few days later NGC 869/884 were photographed with almost the same equipment (only different filter):

Object: Double cluster in Perseus (NGC 869 and NGC884)

Photographer: Bert Moyaers
Date: 11.11.2021
Telescope: TS Photon 150 f/5 (TPM6F5)
Motor fokuser: ZWO 5V EAF Advanced
Coma corrector: TS-Optics TSGPU
Filter: Optolong L-PRO 2" (OPL-LPRO2)
Camera: ZWO ASI533MC Pro
Guiding scope: TS-Optics 50 mm Guiding Scope (TSL501)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MC-S
Mount: Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT with PMC-Eight
Frames: 41x180" (2h 3´)

We congratulate Bert Moyaers for the beautiful astrophotos!

Image from our customer Mario Barrera
Our customer Mario Barrera from Chile took a picture of NGC 2237 with this corrector:

Object: Rosetta Nebula (NGC 2237)

Photographer: Mario Barrera
Location: Illapel, Chile (Bortle 5)
Telescope: Orion Optics UK CT8 Modified (CT8TS)
Motor focuser: ZWO 5V EAF (ZWO-5V-EAF-A)
Coma corrector: TS-Optics TSGPU (TSGPU)
Filter: Optolong L-Ultimate (L-ULTIMATE2)
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro (ASI2600MC-P)
Off-axis guider: Askar Off-Axis Guider (ASOAGM54)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI290MM Mini (ASI290MINI)
Mount: iOptron CEM70 (C70A)
Controller: ZWO ASIair Plus (ASIAIRPLUS)
Frames: 70x300" (5 h 50´)

We congratulate Mario Barrera for this beautiful astrophoto!

How do you have to measure the working distance?

Answer from Teleskop-Service:
The working distance is measured from the beginning of the connection thread on the housing of the corrector (see example picture):

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Mario D Angelo
on 2024-12-25


Written by Rudy Rooth
on 2023-03-10

"See my previous message"

Written by Wolfgang Heyne
on 2022-09-02

"Der Koma Korrektor liefert bis in die Randbereiche eine verzeichnungsfreie Abbildung. Ich bin mit dem Produkt rundum voll zufrieden."

Written by Damjan Mlakar
on 2022-05-14

"Using with Aa294hypercam pro tec and sw150pds, perfect match"

Written by Andre Dalhoff
on 2022-03-23

"Er macht einen super Job!"

Written by Reiner Hönnscheidt
on 2022-02-04

"Gute Beratung, schnelle Lieferung, wertiges Produkt."

Written by Patrick Stevenson
on 2022-01-25

"Works well and looks great. Very happy."

Written by Seraphin Feller
on 2021-11-17


Written by Jasmin Dolamic
on 2021-11-13

"Awesome coma corrector for a great price Well built and quality optics!"

Written by Christian Schubert
on 2021-05-14

"Der Korrektor hat nicht umsonst so einen guten Ruf-für mich persönlich der beste Korrektor wo man im 2""-Segment bekommen kann. Es sei aber am Anfang schon gesagt, daß auch der TSGPU das Vollformat nicht ganz ausleuchten kann, aber das erkennt man erst zu den Ecken hin. Mit Flatfields kann man das durchaus gut ausbügeln. Volles Ausleuchten bekommt man halt erst mit 2.5-3"" Korrektoren aufwärts, mit zum Teil 3-fachen Preis. Aber die Korrektur ist die beste wo ich bis jetzt erlebt habe: Selbst bei meinem 200/f4 (Vixen RS200) sind die Sterne bei kurzbelichteten Testaufnahmen auf einer Canon 6D-Vollformatkamera bis zu den äußersten Ecken knackscharf. Das ist für einen Korrektor in dieser Preisklasse absolut ungewöhnlich. Und damit sticht er den doppelt so teuren Tele Vue Paracorr photographisch voll aus-zumal auch keine Brennweitenerhöhung stattfindet. Der Paracorr hat Visuell in Verbindung mit Naglerokularen und Lichtstarken Newtons seine Stärken, aber photographisch ist der TSGPU gerade wenn man auch noch mit Vollformat arbeiten will eindeutig erste Wahl ! (Bei mir hat der Paracorr selbst bei meinem Langbrennweitigen 12""/f6 deutliche Koma in den Ecken gezeigt, Allerdings ist der Tele Vue Paracorr bei APS-C was Ausleuchtung und Sternschärfe belangt auch erste Sahne) Also Klasse Meisterleistung vom Pal Gyulai so einen Korrektor für 2"" zu berechnen und für einen Preis von 299.- anzubieten. Außerdem gefällt mir das lange M48-Gewinde und der Konterring sehr gut."

Written by Tom Regnery
on 2021-05-05

"Feine Sternpunkte bis in die Bildecken am GSO-4""-f/4-Newton bei APS-C-Sensoren. Bei der ZWO ASI 183 MC Pro hatte ich mit dem alten Korrektor immer Geister im Bild, weswegen ich ihn an dieser Kamera wegließ. Dieses Problem ist mit dem GPU nicht mehr existent."

Written by Ioannis Doukakis
on 2021-04-29

Optical performance
I am very satisfied with the results. Perfect distance needs some fine-tuning especially when filters are involved. Mine performed better close to 57mm distance. I believe that it needs a UV/IR filter to have perfect star colors.
One very positive thing I saw is that it has minimal distortions across the field of an APS-C sensor. When using the Annotation feature of PixInsight, all stars are where they are supposed to. In the extreme corners, stars are off just by a couple of pixels. Something that my older Baader MPCC never could match. With MPCC some stars were a several pixels further than their correct position, showing a strange "moustache" distortion. I do not believe that there would be any perceptible distortion in a M4/3 sized sensor or smaller.
Finally it has 10-15% more vignetting than a Baader MPCC, tested in a 8" F/5 GSO, with 62mm secondary and APS-C sensor.

Mechanical performance
Mechanically it hides some surprises. It is slightly thinner than a normal 2" barrel, so it may "wiggle" a little bit inside a focuser. This is probably by design, to aid screwing the corrector inside the focuser. Now if the focuser supports this you have to go this way. Using the 2" clamp, may slightly tilt the corrector, destroying a perfect collimation.

Written by Florin Keller
on 2021-01-01

"Durch Empfehlung gekauft ! Sehr sehr gut ! Ich benutze für ein 200mm Durchmesser F/4,5 Newton "

Written by Harald Thoren
on 2019-09-27

"funktioniert bestens"

Written by Nadir Teymurov
on 2019-07-20

Very nice coma corrector for it´s price. Round stars till the edge on APC-S sensor and f/4 newton. Comparison with Televue Paracorr-2 showed similar star shapes across the field. Highly recommended.

Written by Marcel Herheuser
on 2018-03-13

"super Teil, schöne Sternabbildung bis in die Ecken (von mir nur bis APS-Chip -Größe getestet)"

Written by Horst Christians
on 2017-12-20

"Sehr guter Komakorrektor.Bin voll zufrieden."