TS Optics TSOAG9 ultrashort off-axis guider for astrophotography
The short TSOAG9 off-axis guider is a development from Teleskop Service. It can be used with almost every telescope and substitutes the guiding scope. Guiding becomes more accurate and the mount has to bear less load. The TSOAG9 is the shortest off-axis guider of its class - especially suitable for adaptions where only little space is available. Nevertheless, the TSOAG9 offers convincing features.
The advantages and features of the TSOAG9:
Short design ... only 11.4 mm from the M48 thread to the camera side connection. Best illumination ... 45.5 mm clear aperture - in addition, the prism can be freely adjusted to avoid shading. Easy focusing of the autoguider ... the lateral T2 connector can be adjusted as well, making possible to focus the autoguider without changing the distance from the main camera to the corrector. Three possible positions from the camera to the prism ... due to the special design of the connecting adapters to T2, EOS or M48, three positions of the prism to the camera sensor are possible. This avoids shading by the prism, too. Flexible adaption at the camera side ... in the accessories section, you can find the necessary connecting adapters to T2, M42, M48 and EOS. The adapters do not extend the length of the off-axis guider.Connecting the TSOAG9 to the telescope or the corrector:
At the telescope side, the TSOAG9 has a short 2" barrel with an M48x0.75 / 2" filter thread. This allows for a flexible adaption.
Connection to a 2" receptacle ... With the 2" extension ring TSVF230, you can attach the TSOAG9 to any 2" receptacles.
Connection to correctors with T2 or M48 thread ... The TSOAG9 can directly be attached to correctors or reducers with M48 connection. The adapter TST2-M48s or TST2-M48L allows for attaching to correctors with T2 connection.
TSOAG9 to the Baader MPCC Coma Corrector ... The TSOAG9 fits directly to the M48 connecting thread of the correctors (Image at left). The combination offers coma correction and guiding in a very small space. From the camera connecting adapter of the off-axis guider to the sensor, you have 46.6 mm left - enough space even for a DSLR camera.
More connection types ...TeleVue correctors via the adapter TSTV-M48a
Vixen field correctors for VMC, VC and APOs via the adapter TSViRed-M48
M68x1 ZEISS level correctors via the adapter M68I-M48A
How to adapt the imaging camara to the TSOAG9:
For a suitable camera connection, you need the optional connecting adapter. The adapters are made for the TSOAG9 and match perfectly.

The adapters are conical, always ensuring the optimal position. At the same time, you can take down the camera without unscrewing it.
TSOAG9-T2 ... for any other connections via the M42x0.75 / T2 thread TSOAG9-M42 ... the M42x1 connection is used mainly for a short adaption of older SLR cameras. TSOAG9-M48 ... for any other connections via the M48x0.75 / 2" filter thread Short build adaptation of the EOS EF bayonet to the OAG ... TSOAG9-M48 + M48-EOSS - the combination builds up only 1mm.TSOAG9G2 - Mounting on cameras with protruding flash housing
The knurled screws of the TSOAG9 collide with the flash housing. If you still want to use the Off-Axis-Guider on a DSLR with a protruding flash housing, we recommend short M4 screws or grub screws. Alternatively we recommend the TSOAG9EOS for Canon EOS cameras.
Instructions - Focusing the autoguider or crosshair eyepiece

First, the camera is focused. A coarse determination with a ruler makes sense, the distances were measured from the prism. The single adjustment can also be done at day, on a church spire, but also at night on a star.
Then, the crosshair eyepiece or the autoguider is attached and focused by shifting the T2 adapter. The focuser is not used here.
Instructions - adjusting the prism optimal to the camera sensor

The optimal position of the small prism is just outside of the camera sensor, then you have the best illumination possible and avoid shading by the prism. Within this range, you can shift the prism as you want for increasing the area used for searching a guide star.
However, modern high-sensitive autoguiders always offer enough guide stars, making the adjustment of the prism, common in former times, unnecessary. Therefore, a single optimisation is sufficient.