Manufacturer: Chroma
Product number: CTGSloan65X65

EUR 1.674,00

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Chroma g´ Filter, 50x50 mm unmounted
The Chroma Sloan ugriz´ filters (pronounced "ugriz prime") are made for photometric imaging in five different bandpasses:
Sloan u´: UV photometric filter in ugriz´ series
Sloan g´: Green photometric filter in ugriz´ series
Sloan r´: Red photometric filter in ugriz´ series
Sloan i´: NIR photometric filter in ugriz´ series
Sloan z´: NIR photometric filter (longer wavelengths) in ugriz´ series

In contrast to the Bessell system, the Sloan system has wider passbands and slightly higher transmission, which makes it more suitable for faint objects such as galaxies. The ugriz´ filters differ slightly in their characteristics from the corresponding griz filters of the Gunn system, as they are specially designed for the 2.5 m Sloan telescope.
Filter type:Sloan g´ (CWL 470 nm)
Type of coating:Sputtered
Surface accuracy:Lambda/4 or better
Filter thickness:3.0 mm
Size:Square, 65 mm x 65 mm

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