Manufacturer: Chroma
Product number: CT2710236D

EUR 1.289,00

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Chroma H-alpha (8 nm) + LRGB Filter Set, 36 mm unmounted
This filter set contains one filter each for red, green and blue, which allows the creation of color images with monochrome cameras (tri-color photography).

In addition, there is a luminance filter for the entire light range covered by the three filters, which, due to the shorter exposure time, enables a monochrome image with less effective air turbulence and thus higher image sharpness. Because the sharpness information for the human eye lies mainly in the differences in brightness, the lower sharpness of the color images is not important.

Furthermore, an H-alpha filter with 8 nm bandwidth is included, which significantly increases the contrast of most emission nebulae even under brightened skies.
Filter types:H-alpha (8 nm), Luminance, Red, Green, Blue
FWHM H-alpha filter:8 nm
CWL H-alpha filter:656.3 nm
Peak transmission H-alpha filter:approx. 96 %
Type of coating:Sputtered
Surface accuracy:Lambda/4 or better
Filter thickness:3.0 mm
Size:Round, diameter 36 mm
5 Filters (types 27003, 27040, 27041, 27042, 27043)
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