Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSND09

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TS-Optics 1.25" Grey Filter ND09 - 12.5% Transmission
This neutral density filter or grey filter reduces the image brightness to one eigth of the original value without colouring the image. Thus haze effects on moon and planets and also at daytime observation are avoided. The filter is also suitable for observing double stars with one particularly bright component. We recommend the filter for smaller telescopes from 125 mm aperture.

The adaptation:
The filter is just screwed to the 1.25" filter thread of the eyepiece or adapter. With transition adapters, the filter can also be screwed in front of a camera lens (see recommended accessories).

What does the ND value mean:
The ND value provides information about the attenuation factor. The higher the value, the stronger the attenuation factor. However, there are two versions:

1. Logarithmic scale

This is used with our older gray filters, but also for solar filter foil. The transmission is calculated here as 1/10ND, whereby the ND value may have to be provided with a comma:
ND03 - the light is reduced to 1/100.3 times, i.e. 1/2 (transmission 50%)
ND06 - the light is reduced to 1/100.6 times, i.e. 1/4 (transmission 25%)
ND09 - the light is reduced to 1/100.9 times, i.e. 1/8 (transmission 12.5%)

Advantages are the large range and the possibility to easily add the ND values ​​of combined filters.

2. Linear scale

This is used with our newer gray filters. The transmission is simply calculated according to 1/ND:
ND16 - reduction by 16 times - light transmission is 6.25%
ND32 - reduction by 32 times - light transmission is 3.13%
ND64 - reduction by 64 times - light transmission is 1.56%

The advantages are the simple calculation of the attenuation by individual filters and thus the direct calculation of the extension of exposure times.

Practical tip from Teleskop-Service:

Due to filter threads on both sides, you can combine the grey filter with 1.25" colour filters, thus you can achieve an increase in contrast and a reduction of brightness.

You can also screw two grey filters together, thus adjusting the damping effect even better.

Filter type:Grey filter
Filter effect:No colouring
Density:ND09 - 12.5% transmission
Filter thread:1.25" M28 filter thread at both sides (male and female)
Height of the filter cell:7.5 mm (w/o male thread)
TS grey filter
Plastic storage case - closable

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Vesa Liukkonen
on 2024-12-27

"good for moon"

Written by Marius Kohsiek
on 2023-08-09

"Tut was er soll :)"

Written by Eric Möllmann
on 2021-11-17

"qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt, etwas längere Lieferzeit (wahrscheinlich wenig nachgefragt), rundum zufrieden"

Written by Christian Urlaub
on 2020-12-06

"Als Leihe habe ich dies auf Empfehlung gekauft und dabei gedacht: Aber man will doch möglichst viel Licht?! Der Mond ist aber echt so hell, dass man ohne einen solchen Filter keine Chance hat. Und dieser Filter macht sogar bei Vollmond die Beobachtung möglich. Auch andere Helle Objekte, lassen sich damit beobachten ohne Augenschmerzen zu bekommen, wie z.B. Sirius oder die Wega. "

Written by Markus Horn
on 2020-11-24

"Sehr guter Filter!"

Written by Klaus Cunitz
on 2019-12-18

"Toller Filter , gut verarbeitet"

Written by Michael Buk
on 2018-05-16

"Den Graufilter nutze ich bei der Mondbeobachtung und -fotografie. Für meine sehr lichtempfindlichen Kamera (Imaging Source dmk31) könnte er aber ruhig noch stärker sein. Wie alle bisher gekauften TS-Produkte eine sehr gute Qualität. Sehr zu Empfehlen."

Written by Martin Mazanek
on 2017-08-02

"Für (Voll)Mondbeobachtung sehr gut."

Written by Wolfgang Fröhlich
on 2017-06-29

"Super Produkt"

Written by Ralph Gruber
on 2016-03-30

"Benutze den Filter am 5"" Newton und bin jetzt nicht mehr vom Mond geblendet. Sehr guter Filter ohne optische Verzerrungen."