Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSCLS1

EUR 49,90

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TS 1.25" broadband nebula filter for increasing contrast of deep sky objects
The City Light Suppression CLS filter from TS is optimized for photography of deep sky objects from the outskirts of cities. The artificial brightening by the cities is significantly reduced and thus the sky background is darkened, while nebulae and star clusters keep their brightness. The contrast is enhanced.

In opposite to the UHC filter which only transmits narrow spectral ranges close to desired lines, a CLS filter just blocks the range(s) where undesired lines lie. This results in the following differences between the filters:
CLS lets more light through and is therefore also suitable for observation through smaller instruments.
CLS is mainly made for astrophotography, it allows an extension of the exposure time by a factor of 3 until the sky background becomes noticeable.

Application areas of the TS City Light Suppression filter:
Astrophotography from the outskirts of the city, all deep-sky objects can be photographed with the filter.
Observation of deep sky objects with telescopes from 60 mm to 150 mm aperture

Transmission range of the TS CLS filter:
The filter has two transmission windows, exactly where gas nebulae and planetary nebulae radiate:
[O III] and H-beta region: between 420 nm and 530 nm the filter transmits about 95% of the light
H-alpha region: in this region astrocameras are very sensitive, so the passband is also high here.
In near IR, where most astro cameras are still sensitive, but refractive objectives show image degradation, transmission is still present, so with corresponding cameras you need an additional IR cut filter.

Filter cell:Made of metal with 1.25" filter thread - on both sides
Filter substrate:Fine-optical polished with plane-parallel surfaces - no double images
Coating:The filter is provided with an anti-reflective coating
Height without M28x0.6 external thread:6 mm
Length of the M28x0.6 external thread:1.7 mm
TS 1.25" CLS Filter
Protective plastic case

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Christian Hölzl
on 2023-10-18


Written by Dirk Bartelt
on 2022-09-13

"Den Filter einfach vor die Kamera geschraubt (Gewinde paßt einwandfrei), keinerlei Reflexe,super gut. Habe mich nur erschrocken, daß die Belichtungszeit ca. 6x länger ist."

Written by Rudolph Gerlach
on 2021-07-05

"Wie die Sterne es sagen: Es gibt nichts, was man bemängeln könnte, alles bestens geliefert"

Written by Ines Kraus
on 2019-12-30

"Sterne und Kometen sind klarer zu erkennen."

Written by Freddy Meiresonne
on 2016-02-19

"it was not expensive, helpfull for reducing the background skyglow, "

Written by Jost Braun
on 2015-12-02

"Höherer Kontrast bei Nebeln."