Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSUCF2

EUR 39,90

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TS 2" UCF Moon, Planet and slight Nebula Filter
This filter is one of the best planetary filters we know. In the solar sytem the filter provides a significant increase in contrast, but the filter is even considerably more vesatile.

Due to slight suppresion of the blue light range, the UCF filter allows successfull observations and photographs in twilight or even at daytime. The contrast is increased and the blue sky background is reduced.

In addition, the UCF also increases the contrast of reddish gas nebulae, also called H-II regions. Observations of planetary nebulae also benefit from it. Overall the filter effect is not as strong as from a standard nebula filter, for example from a UHC. For this reason, the UCF is well suited also for smaller telescopes.

Replacement and supplement of colour filters
The TS UCF replaces many colour filter and it has an important advantage. The image is less coloured than with a mere colour filter, thus the natural impression of the moon or a planet is retained.

Due to the threads at both sides of the metal filter cell, the UCF can also be combined with other 2" colour filters or with a 2" neutral grey filter. This results in new interesting fields of application.
Type:Planetary, lunar and nebula filter
Cell:Metal cell
Connecting thread:2" M48x0.75 filter thread - male and female
Surfaces:Plano-parallel polished surfaces
Coating:Anti-reflective coating on both surfaces
Mount height:5.5 mm (w/o male thread)
TS UCF Filter
Plastic storage case - closable

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by moshe KOGAN
on 2023-05-24

"Best value for money."

Written by Wolfgang Zenner
on 2021-08-15

"Der Filter vermindert die Helligkeit des Mondes, wodurch die Abbildung verbessert wird."

Written by Urs Mörbe
on 2020-10-23

"Alles prima"

Written by Theis Thomas
on 2020-06-21

"Die Lampe ist genau so wie in der Artikelbeschreibung. ich bin zufrieden. Schnelle und sichere Lieferung."

Written by Erwin Gastinger
on 2020-06-18

"der Filter hatte leichte Schlieren und Herr Ransburg bot mir dafür einen Nachlass von 15% an!"

Written by Stephan Plaßmann
on 2020-02-15

"Ich konnte bisher nur den Vollmond bei 37-fach beobachten. Die Filter bieten im Bino ein sehr angenehmes und gleichzeitig kontrastreiches Bild."

Written by langlois stephane
on 2017-06-21

"ce filtre je l utilise sur ma TSAPO 130f7 il améliore superbement bien l image sur Jupiter , les couleurs sont plus contrastées , la grande tache rouge est un peut plus soutenue je le recommande vivement "