Manufacturer: Optolong
Product number: OPL-13802

EUR 209,00RRP EUR 239,00you save 12.6% (EUR 30,00)

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Optolong 2" L-eNhance dual-band Nebula Filter for Color Cameras
The spread of cities and the associated light pollution are becoming a growing problem for astrophotographers. A possible solution is the use of MONO/SW cameras and narrow-band nebula filters. This is expensive and costs valuable exposure time that you often don´t have.

Optolong L-eNhance filters allow the use of color cameras such as SLRs or single-shot astro cameras, saving time and money. The filters are dual bandpass filters specially developed for color cameras. The important areas in which nebulae glow, such as H-alpha, H-beta and oxygen (O-III), are let through almost unhindered. The rest is blocked. The filter is a real alternative to narrow-band nebula photography with MONO cameras. The natural colour of the nebula is preserved in the best possible way. The results are astrophotographic results reminiscent of working in the dark high mountains.

Astrophotographic results obtained with this filter on Astrobin
Here you can find some astrophotographs taken with this filter: Link to Astrobin
Filter size:2" mounted
Cell height:5 mm without external thread, 7 mm with M48 external thread
Substrate:high-quality optical glass (Schott)
Surface:Fine-optically polished
Coating:Anti-reflective multi-coating
Filter type:Dual bandpass filter
Filter thickness:2 mm
Optolong Filter
Transport and storage box made of plastics

Which side of the filter needs to face towards the telescope?
Optolong has a good explanation on their page with a check on unmounted filters. With mounted filters, it´s easy. The side with the external thread must face the camera.

Link to iOptron page: Should Optolong filters be installed in a certain orientation? (external link)
You can download the generated PDF from our own server.
Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Joachim Moser
on 2023-03-08

"Schnelle Lieferung, gut verpackt und der billigste Preis!"

Written by Jörg Spelda
on 2023-02-17

"Aufgrund des miesen Wetters der letzten Monate konnte der Filter bislang nur mit Fotoobjektiven getestet werden. Dabei hielt er was er versprach."

Written by Antonio Pezzutto
on 2023-01-28

"Toller Filter. Leider nur 2 brauchbare Nächte in den letzten 2 Monaten, aber tolle Bilder vom Orionnebel u Rosettennebel sowie Krebsnebel gelungen! Macht Spaß "

Written by Jiri Rathousky
on 2022-11-19

"Good filter"

Written by Timm Deeg
on 2022-03-11

"Voll zufrieden."

Written by Bernhard Köglmeier
on 2021-12-27

"Für Astrofotografie "

Written by Andreas Kühne
on 2021-11-27

"Funktioniert wie erwartet."

Written by Matthias Leeder
on 2021-11-17

"Toller Filter, tut was er soll!"

Written by Mike Vogel
on 2020-11-05

"H-alpha Gebiete lassen sich mit diesem Filter auch aus der Stadt heraus gut fotografieren."

Written by Krzysztof Grzelczak
on 2020-10-20

"Ich empfehle diesen Filter nicht für helle F2 - F5 - Teleskope, da er das H-Alpha - Band schlecht registrieren kann. Funktioniert gut mit dunklerer Optik, mit F6.3 - F8."

Written by Eric Dooms
on 2020-07-14

"Good quality"

Written by Michael Motyka
on 2020-06-21

"Sehr gut für Nebelfotografie"

Written by Jean-Michel Farine
on 2020-05-14

"Ich konnte den Filter erst einmal benutzen, ist aber ein echtes plus, schade das ich es nicht vorher gekauft habe und mich ständig mit den Lichtverschmutzung ärgern musste."

Written by Stephan Hotto
on 2020-04-11

"Funktioniert ausgezeichnet an einer Farbkamera, mit überschaubaren Belichtungszeiten. Kann immer dann eingesetzt werden, wenn die Zeit für klassische Schmalbandaufnahmen zu knapp wird. Farbwiedergabe lässt sich ohne Probleme im Weißabgleich optimieren."

Written by W. Baan
on 2020-02-12

"Ich gebrauche diesem filter fur meinen Canon 90d fur astrofotografie."

Written by Joan Aragones
on 2020-01-07

"Excellent performance"

Written by Bjoern Forsaa
on 2019-11-07

"Works very well on a Nikon DSLR in combination with a Williams optics Red cat."

Written by Guido Rensch
on 2019-10-13

"Wie beschrieben."

Written by Dimitar Bachvarov
on 2019-09-29

"I can now shoot from the city. :-)"