Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSND62

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TS Optics 2" Gray Filter ND06 - 25% transmission
This neutral density filter or gray filter reduces the brightness to 1/4 without colouring the image, preventing haze effects at moon and planets. The filter is also helpful for observing double stars with one particularly bright component.

The filter is suitable for daytime observing, too, as the light attenuation increases the perception of fine details. Though the medium absorption of ND06, a strong brightness reduction is achieved.

For solar observation, an additional solar filter in front of the lens has to be used. The filter effect of all common neutral density filters is far too weak, leading to serious eye damage.

Photographic use:
Particularly in daytime photography or solar photography (only with front solar filter), light attenuation is often desired. Even the shortest exposure time of the camera makes the image to appear too bright. With certain DSLR cameras, the shutter can be seen as shadow at the edge of the image. By using the grey filter, the exposure time is extended and the effect is prevented.

The adaptation:
The filter is simply screwed into the 2" filter thread of the eyepiece or the adapter. With a suitable adapter, the filter can also be mounted in front of a camera lens (see recommended accessories).

What does the ND value mean:
The ND value provides information about the attenuation factor. The higher the value, the stronger the attenuation factor. However, there are two versions:

1. Logarithmic scale

This is used with our older gray filters, but also for solar filter foil. The transmission is calculated here as 1/10ND, whereby the ND value may have to be provided with a comma:
ND03 - the light is reduced to 1/100.3 times, i.e. 1/2 (transmission 50%)
ND06 - the light is reduced to 1/100.6 times, i.e. 1/4 (transmission 25%)
ND09 - the light is reduced to 1/100.9 times, i.e. 1/8 (transmission 12.5%)

Advantages are the large range and the possibility to easily add the ND values ​​of combined filters.

2. Linear scale

This is used with our newer gray filters. The transmission is simply calculated according to 1/ND:
ND16 - reduction by 16 times - light transmission is 6.25%
ND32 - reduction by 32 times - light transmission is 3.13%
ND64 - reduction by 64 times - light transmission is 1.56%

The advantages are the simple calculation of the attenuation by individual filters and thus the direct calculation of the extension of exposure times.

Practical tip from Teleskop Service:

By using the threads on both sides, you can combine the gray filter with 2" colour filters, so you can achieve contrast enhancement and brightness attenuation.

You can slso screw two gray filters together for increasing the damping effect.

Filter type:Gray filter
Filter effect:No colouring
Density:ND06 - 25% transmission
Filter thread:2" filter thread at both sides (male female)
Filter cell:Low profile - only 5.5 mm heigh (without male M48 thread)
Length of the male M48 thread:2.5 mm
2" Gray filter
Protective plastic box

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Matthias Pflückhahn
on 2022-09-18

"Verwende das Filter für die Mondbeobachtung, denn ohne ist das grelle Licht- noch dazu verstärkt durch die Optik, für die Netzhaut des Auges alles andere als gesund. Das Filter wird der optischen Anforderung und Anwendung gerecht. Was auch einmal gesagt werden sollte, betrifft die Ausführung der Feingewinde, wovon eigentlich alle Zubehörteile von wem auch immer betroffen sind. Es ist oft ärgerlich, wenn es Probleme beim Ansetzen und Eindrehen derselben gibt. Schuld ist meiner Meinung nach oft die Beschichtung. Entweder zu dick aufgetragen oder ungleichmäßig. Und wenn dann auch noch das Feingewinde als solches an den Toleranzgrenzen was z.b. Ø, Flankenwinkel, und die Steigung anbelangt gefertigt wurde, ist die Fummelei im Dunkeln dann perfekt. Darüber sollten die Hersteller einmal informiert werden, wenn nicht schon geschehen. Ich bin überzeugt mit dieser Feststellung nicht allein dazustehen. Nur deshalb, nicht wegen optischer Mängel von mir ein Unbefriedigend. "

Written by Manfred Kuss
on 2018-03-15

"Bei Vollmond für mich noch etwas zu Hell"