Manufacturer: -TS Montierungen
Product number: VC4

EUR 99,90RRP EUR 139,90you save 28.6% (EUR 40,00)

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TS-Optics Dual Mount for Vixen/EQ5 style mounts
A dual mount is the most stable way for attaching two telescopes on one mount. It is widely used for astrophotography. By using this mount, you can attach a guide scope for guiding or a camera for "piggy-back photography" in addition to the main telescope.

The advantages of the TS-Optics VC4 dual mount:
Extremely light with a weight of only 940 grams.
Compact - the maximum width is only 375 mm - no unnecessary lever arm.
Perfectly suited for more compact and medium-sized telescopes and also for telephoto lenses.
Very rigid and low-vibration due to a massive dovetail bar at the base
Design of the VC4 allows for 100% balancing of the instruments on the mount.

Why is the dual mount superior to piggy-back mounting on the tube rings?
Usually, tube rings provide only a small bearing surface and, in addition, they are, due to the felt layer, not very stable. The guiding scope or telephoto lens can easily be unintendedly readjusted to the main telescope. Additionally the lever arm is disadvantageous. The mount is considerably more strongly burdened than if the dual mount is used. With the latter, the guiding scope is clearly closer to the mount´s centre of gravity. Also balancing the instruments significantly easier with the dual mount.

Among others, the fual mount is suitable for the following mounts:
Skywatcher EQ3, EQ5, H-EQ5, AZ-EQ5
Celestron Advanced VX
Meade / Bresser Mon2, LXD 75
Vixen GP series
With the adapter PS3-V for all mounts with Losmandy style saddle plate
All other mounts with Vixen style saddle plate

Material:High-strength aluminum
Weight:Only 940 grams
Total width:375 mm
Distance of the saddle plates (middle to middle):230 mm
Connection at mount side:Dovetail bar, Vixen style
Connection at telescope side:2x saddle plate, Vixen style
Dual Mount with 2 clamps

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Christoph Dombrowski
on 2023-05-09

"einwandfreie Qualität, solide Ausführung."

Written by Michael Funke
on 2020-12-06

"Wie beschrieben."

Written by Georges Carletti
on 2020-04-14

"Very compact and practical for two small scopes around 80-90mm. The only limitation is due to the possible limitation of the rotation of the focusers with diagonal and eyepiece. Can be useful to have a visual and a photo refractor side by side"

Written by Peter Kempen
on 2019-10-04

"Benutze die Parallelmontierung auf einer AVX Celestron Montierung. Befestigung und Ausrichtung der einzelnen Teleskope kein Problem. Hin und wieder ist aber auch immer etwas Kreativität vonnöten, vor allem, da es praktisch wegen der Menge der Möglichkeiten keine fertigen Gebrauchsanweisungen gibt. Habe schon mal überlegt die eigene Aufstellungsoptionen vir visuelle und fotografische Alternativen darzustellen"

Written by Marco Arnold
on 2017-10-14

"Sehr stabil und wertige verarbeitung"

Written by Paul Bieri
on 2016-12-03

"Erfüllt den Zweck"

Written by Hanns Selig
on 2016-11-27

"Sehr gut für die parallele Montage zweier Optiken auf einer Montierung geeignet!"

Written by Bernd Henrichs
on 2016-08-02

"Wird in Verbindung mit einer Celestron VX-Montierung eingesetzt. Hält Celestron SC 9.25 und Leitrohr TS-Deluxe 80 mm sicher. Empfehlenswert. "