Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: TSBAG100

EUR 89,98RRP EUR 104,00you save 13.5% (EUR 14,02)

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TS-Optics high-quality padded Carrying Bag for telescopes, mounts, tripods and spotting scopes.
The transport case offers ideal protection and comfortable transport. It is also perfectly suited for storing damageable instruments. The bag is padded, water-repellent and of high-quality workmanship.

Removable internal dividers for even more versatility
The long interior divider can be fixed with a hook-and-loop fastener. Thus you get two separate compartments. For example, you can store and transport a telescope together with, but separated from its mount.

The TSBAG100 carrying bag is, among others, suitable for:
Telescopes without or with mount up to the dimensions of approx. 900 mm length, 270 mm width and 230 mm height
complete beginner´s telescopes up to 900 mm tube length and 114 mm aperture, for example 114/900 with EQ1 or EQ2
90/900 with EQ1 or EQ2
SkyWatcher, Celestron, Meade Maksutov 90 or 102 mm, each complete with mount EQ1 or EQ2
and smaller complete telescopes.
Optical tube assemblies up to approx. 850 mm length and 240 mm diameter
150/750 (like SkyWatcher, Celestron, etc.)
Apochromatic refractors, Maksutovs, etc.
Telescope mounts like EQ1 or EQ2 or EQ3 or alt-azimuth mounts and compact GoTo mounts

Outer dimensions (L x W x H):1000 mm x 280 mm x 250 mm
Inner dimensions maximal (L x W x H):900 mm x 270 mm x 230 mm
Inner separation:yes, removable
Shoulder strap:yes
1 Transport Bag with inner separator
1 Shoulder Strap

Manufacturer / Importeur:Teleskop-Service Ransburg GmbH
Street:Von-Myra-Str. 8
ZIP / City:85599 Parsdorf
Telefon number:+49 89 99228750
Safety informations: PDF Download

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