Celestron C11-A XLT (CG-5) Optical Tube Assembly - Losmandy Style Dovetail Reviews


Celestron C11-A XLT (CG-5) Optical Tube Assembly - Losmandy Style Dovetail

EUR 2.999,00

Product number C11OTA

3/3 Reviews


Wrote by Sean D. on 05.11.2016

"5 stars"

Wrote by Guest on 04.05.2016

"Celestron spricht für sich. Habe bereits seit vielen Jahren ein C8 in Einsatz. Freue mich die gekaufte Leistungssteigerung des C11. MfG"

Wrote by Carl Gustav K. on 16.12.2015

"We will use the C11 in a two-year project to study, i.e. take astrophotos and measure/estimate redshifts of ~20 Abell clusters in the CfA2 Great wall. The red shifts are measured using a spectrograph with reflection grating having 1200 lines/mm. We are building the spectrograph now using a very general idea. The C 11 will also be used for ordinary astrophotography and observations of distant planetary nebula, one of them being the Footprint Nebula Mink 92 which we have been looking for for a long time. "