Manufacturer: Celestron
Product number: CE820962

EUR 679,00

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Celestron CPC wedge for all fork-mounted Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain telescopes
Allows long time exposures through equatorial setup.

The Celestron CPC wedge allows equatorial operation with all fork-mounted Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain telescopes These telescopes come with an altazimuth GoTo mount. The wedge is installed between the tripod and the telescope. No additional parts are required.

The advantages of the CPC wedge
improved stable design
adjustment range from 0° to 90° - usable at any place on earth
with micro-adjustment for precise setting of latitude and azimuth

The wedge is ready for use with the following Celestron telescopes:
All CPC telescopes
NexStar 6SE and NexStar 8SE
Also all predecessors of the Celestron CPC telescopes

When is the wedge useful?
The field of application of a wedge is astrophotography with long exposure times. From about 30 seconds exposure time on, the image field rotation starts to become visible with an altazimuth GoTo mount. All stars appear to rotate around the center of the image.
This effect occurs because the tracking is accomplished by moving both motors, the horizontal and the vertical. The wedge turns the azimuthal motor into the motor of the hour axis or right ascension axis and thus the azimuthal mount into an equatorial fork mount.
fits:all CPC telescopes, NexStar 6SE and NexStar 8SE, all predecessors of the Celestron CPC telescopes
Heavy Duty Wedge

Manufacturer / Importeur:Baader Planetarium GmbH
Street:Zur Sternwarte
ZIP / City:82291 Mammendorf
Telefon number:+49 8145 80890
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Edward Prof.
on 2016-04-25

"Das Zusatzgerät ist ordentlich konstruiert, nur die englichsche Monatgeanleitung ist nicht ganz korrekt."