Manufacturer: Baader
Product number: BA2408344

EUR 116,00

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The 2" polarising filter from Baader allwos for continous brigthness adjustment. The filter consists of two polarising filters of which one is mounted rotatable. By rotating, transmission is changed.

The effect of the Baader 2" polarising filter:The filter reduces brightness to 1% to 40% and improves the visibility of fine details of moon and planets. The special advange is that you can match the filter effect to your individual needs.

The application of the variable polarising filter for solar observation: Especially with front filters, which transmit a fixed part of the light, the use makes sense. At low magnifications, the disc of the sun may appear to bright, so a stronger filtering is sensible. At higher magnifications, a weaker filtering is recommended.

ATTENTION! The polarising filter does not replace an effective and safe front solar filter!

The variable polarising filter does not make sense together with Herschel prisms, as they already produce polarised light. For this reason, we recommend a single polarising filter from Baader.
Filter:2 polarising filters - turnable
Connection:2" filter thread - M48x0.75mm
Cell:Aluminium cell - turnable parts
Transmission:approx 1 % bis 40 %
Thickness:2x 2 mm substrate thickness
Variable 2" Polarising Filter
Protective Case

Manufacturer / Importeur:Baader Planetarium GmbH
Street:Zur Sternwarte
ZIP / City:82291 Mammendorf
Telefon number:+49 8145 80890
Safety informations: PDF Download

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Written by Stephan Schneider
on 2021-09-07

"Ist Top. "

on 2021-05-11


Written by Andreas Schmidmeier
on 2016-11-07

"Sehr gutes Produkt. Die Verstellung der Abschattung geht butterweich und hält die eingestellte Position dauerhaft."

Written by Ernst 14050
on 2016-06-11

"Verwendung für Mond- und Naturbeobachtung mit Skywatcher 80/600. Filter ist sauber verarbeitet und funktionell einwandfrei."