Manufacturer: Euro EMC
Product number: Saeule1327

EUR 1.752,00

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Euro EMC Pier 1327 - built for highest load - height 1327 mm
Stable pier for heavy equipment - easy to disassemble

The Euro EMC pier 1327 for astronomical applications combines the advantages of a stationary pier with the mobility of a tripod. The pier is rigid and low-vibration, yet weighs only 19 kg. Thereby the pier can be loaded with loads of approx. 100 kg without any problems.

Base made of sheet steel, laser cut and powder coated including clamps to clamp the pier, with fine adjustment of the height.
Aluminum pier with 1000 mm height and 130 mm diameter, material thickness 5 mm, top plate for individual adaptations

The foot part convinces with a maximum of stiffness at a minimum of weight. In the spaces between the struts you can store accessories, such as batteries.

The pier is held and fixed at the top and bottom of the foot section by two sturdy clamps. This type of fastening not only provides high rigidity, but also allows relatively quick disassembly of the pier.

There is a connection at the top of the pier to which you can attach your own or one of the optionally available mount adapters.

Optional accessories:
various mounting adapters
set of pneumatic wheels for easy transportation
foot plates for installation on soft ground
ground fixation for reproducible setup

Total height:1327 mm
Diameter:130 mm
Material thickness:5 mm
Weight:19 kg
Maximum load:100 kg
Pier with stand

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Transport & Covers
