Manufacturer: -TS Zubehör
Product number: CCD-GUIDE

EUR 39,00

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The CCD Guide - Your window into the universe
A Project of Astronomischer Arbeitskreises Salzkammergut

Since 1997 the Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Salzkammergut has published a new version of the CCD-Guide every year.

In addition to more than 5000 high-resolution reference images from 58 astrophotographers, the CCD Guide also contains software that allows easy search and display of astrophotos including extensive image data. Astrophotographers benefit from the wide range of functions for object planning.

At a glance: The highlights
Over 5000 of the best astrophotos from the best astrophotographers! Who delivered the photos?
Keep track of things with the help of a sophisticated image browser. Which images are in the database?
The ObjectTracker supports you in observation planning. When is the best observation time?
With the ObjectMarker you can achieve perfect plate solving of your images. What is around my object?

Image Browser and Navigator - a powerful tool
The browser provides access to the image database. From there it goes to the observation planning.
Robust name resolution. M45, Melotte 22, Pleiades - everything leads to the same object.
The browser can integrate information from web services such as Sky-Map, Aladin etc. into the display.
The navigator is the central control element. It is used to control the individual modules.

The CCD-Guide Browser allows access to all astrophotos of the image database and to all object data of the object database. In the ImageBrowser mode, a preview image as well as the object and exposure data are displayed for each image. A double click on the preview image opens the image viewing software ObjectViewer, with which the images can not only be viewed but also analyzed in detail, because almost all deepsky astrophotos are solved astrometrically. The very large number of image datasets and object datasets can be easily reduced to a manageable number by using filters. The images can be restricted by object-related criteria such as coordinates, object type or object size as well as by image-related criteria such as photographer, camera, telescope or date. Thus very complex search queries are possible and the result of the filtering can be viewed in a slideshow in full screen mode.

The Browser is a feature of CCD-Guide that does not only appeal to
astrophotographers, but can also be useful for anyone doing research on
objects and looking for image material, or for anyone who simply enjoys
viewing and browsing good astrophotos.


I would like to photograph M42. When is it at its highest, when does the moon interfere? The answer is provided by the ObjectTracker, which can be called up directly from the ImageBrowser with a single click.


What have I captured? The ObjectMarker answers this question. It performs a plate solving with the image and labels all known objects with the names from the selected catalogs.

Mehr Infos und Bedienungsanleitung auf
Minimal system requirements:CCD-Guide is executable on all current Windows PCs (starting with Windows XP) without installation.
1x USB Stick

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