Astrophotographic results obtained with this telescope on Astrobin
Here you can find some astrophotographs made with this telescope model:
Link to AstrobinReports and images by testers Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich aka galacticdudes
The two dedicated amateur astronomers from Grafing tried out the TSAPO80F7 refractor with the two correctors TSRed279 and TSFLAT2, using a Canon EOS 60D.
The test reports in German language can be found as PDFs here:
Testing the TSAPO80F7 refractor with the TSFLAT2 flattener.
Test of the TSRed279 reducer.
The images clearly show the potential of the combination:
Flame Nebula and Horsehead Nebula (NGC 2024 and B 33)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Flattener & field corrector: TSFlat2
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 19x 300 s
Pleiades (M 45)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Flattener & field corrector: TSFlat2
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 38x 180 s
Note: Possibility of comparison with the following image taken with TSRed279
Pleiades (M 45)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 22x 180 s
Note: Possibility of comparison with previous image taken with TSFlat2
Heart Nebula (IC 1805)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 22x 450 s
Pelican Nebula (IC 5070)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 10x 450 s
Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula (M 8 and M 20)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 22x 300 s
Andromeda Galaxy (M 31)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 20x 300 s
Triangulum Galaxy (M 33)Photographers: Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich
Telescope: TSAPO80F7 on mount Orion Atlas EQ-G
Imaging camera: Canon EOS 60D
Corrector & reducer: TSRed279
Filter: none
Sensitivity: ISO 1600/33
Frames: 15x 450 s
Many thanks to Florian Stürzer and Simon Stich from Germany for these wonderful images!Image result of our customer Lothar Scherp
Objekts: M35 and NGC2158 (image detail)Telescope: TSAPO80F7
Flattener: TS-Optics
Camera: Canon EOS 80D
Sensitivity: 800 ASA
Exposure: 11x 35 s
Filter: none
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6 Pro (from set C9NEQ6Goto)
Guiding: none
Original review: "The small refractor delivers very sharp stars over the whole image and high magnifications of image sections are no problem. I have included an image section of M35 as an example.
NGC2158 is nicely resolved and the double star ADS4744 is cleanly separated. All my images so far have been taken without guiding and without filters using the Canon EOS 80d."
Many thanks to Lothar Scherp for this very informative photo and short report!Images by our customer Omer Baram
Our customer
Omer Baram from Yoqneam Illit" (Israel) took some nice photos with this telescope in the desert:
Object: Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174)Photographer: Omer Baram
Observation site: Desert near Yoqneam Illit (Israel)
Telescope: TS Photoline Doublet SD-Apo 80 mm f/7 - FPL53 (TSAPO80f7)
Filter: Svbony CLS (alternative: TSCLS2) and/or Optolong L-eNhance (OPL-13802)
Imaging camera: Nikon D3400 full spectrum moded
Guide scope: Svbony 60 mm guide scope (alternative: TSL60D)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini (ASI120mini)
Mount: Skywatcher EQM 35 PRO (EQM-35)
Polar finder: ALCCD QHYCCD PoleMaster (Polemaster)
Object: Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237)Photographer: Omer Baram
Observation site: Desert near Yoqneam Illit (Israel)
Telescope: TS Photoline Doublet SD-Apo 80 mm f/7 - FPL53 (TSAPO80f7)
Filter: Optolong L-eNhance (OPL-13802)
Imaging camera: Nikon D3400 full spectrum moded
Guide scope: Svbony 60 mm guide scope (alternative: TSL60D)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini (ASI120mini)
Mount: Skywatcher EQM 35 PRO (EQM-35)
Polar finder: ALCCD QHYCCD PoleMaster (Polemaster)
Object: Pleiades (M 45)Photographer: Omer Baram
Observation site: Desert near Yoqneam Illit (Israel)
Telescope: TS Photoline Doublet SD-Apo 80 mm f/7 - FPL53 (TSAPO80f7)
Filter: Svbony CLS (Alternative: TSCLS2)
Imaging camera: Nikon D3400 full spectrum moded
Guide scope: Svbony 60 mm guide scope (alternative: TSL60D)
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini (ASI120mini)
Mount: Skywatcher EQM 35 PRO (EQM-35)
Polar finder: ALCCD QHYCCD PoleMaster (Polemaster)
Many thanks to Omer Baram for these lovely images!Photographs made by our customer Sotiris Savvides
Our customer Sotiris Savvides from Cyprus took a nice photo with this telescope:
Object: Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6523, M 8)Photographer: Sotiris Savvides
Capture date: 2023-06-16
Observation site: Cyprus
Telescope: TS Photoline Doublet SD Apo 80 mm f/7 - FPL53 (TSAPO80f7)
Filter: Optolong L-Pro (OPL-LPRO1, OLP-LPRO2)
Imaging camera: ZWO ASI1600MC (alternatives: 0510500 or OM61045)
Mount: Celestron Advanced VX (AVX-GOTO)
Many thanks to Sotiris Savvides for the nice photograph!