Baader 7.5 nm Solar Continuum Filter (540 nm) - 1.25" Filter Thread Reviews


Baader 7.5 nm Solar Continuum Filter (540 nm) - 1.25" Filter Thread

EUR 118,00

Product number BA2961580

3/9 Reviews


Wrote by Michael R. on 28.11.2019

"Der Filter hebt wunderbar die Strukturen in der Photosphäre hervor. Perfekt für Refraktoren mit Farbfehler, da hier nur ein schmaler Spektralbereich genutzt wird in dem diese Geräte am besten korrigiert sind."

Wrote by Oliver R. on 22.02.2018

"In Verbindung mit einem Herschelkeil und ND3 Filter sehr hoher Kontrast. Gerade die Fackelgebiete am Sonnenrand sind schön zu erkennen. Auch die Sonnenflecke und die Granulation lassen sich kontrastreich Beobachten. Die Sonne erscheint mit dem Filter grün !"

Wrote by Yue Fai Sunny C. on 24.02.2016

"This is a specialised filter for white light solar photography and visual observation - provided you have an appropriate solar filter at the front before solar radiation enters the telescope, or some other forms of energy rejection mechanism. It is extremely important for imaging to have a UV and IR cut filter such as a luminance filter added to the imaging train however, otherwise massive contrast degradation can be expected. I have the single solar continuum filter version, but if I am to choose again I would have chosen the stacked version. In any case, contrast improvement is ""shocking"". For imagers, the ND3.8 solar film is vastly preferred because it allows lucky imaging and then selecting images where the atmosphere is more stable. As I use the UV and IR cut filter for visual orientation in the flip mirror, I control the UV and IR leakage by stacking with the Astrodon Sloan G photometric filter (400-550 nm). In any case, this filter allows a tremendous amount of detail to be revealed on the photosphere. I especially use it to study evolution of granules along with corresponding supergranules and the chromospheric network using the Baader 1.25 inch Calcium K filter, which allows details in the chromosphere to be seen."