TS-Optics 1.25" Ultra Wide Angle Eyepiece UWAN 16 mm - 82° field of view Reviews


TS-Optics 1.25" Ultra Wide Angle Eyepiece UWAN 16 mm - 82° field of view

EUR 109,90RRP EUR 149,00you save 26.2% (EUR 39,10)

Product number UWAN16

6/6 Reviews


Wrote by Dr. Martin M. on 26.08.2020

"Für Binoanwendungen ideal!"

Wrote by Ulrike K. on 19.08.2020

"Okular sehr gut, etwas schwer, Teleskop sinkt leider leicht ab"

Wrote by Axel E. on 22.05.2020

"Sehr gutes Okular. entspricht der Artikelbeschreibung."

Wrote by ALEXANDR A. on 30.06.2018

"The eyepiece is of very good quality, but there is a significant pillow-like distortion. The field of view is slightly less than the declared 82 ° - about 78 °"

Wrote by Michalis K. on 15.05.2018

"the item was in a good condition"

Wrote by Martin K. on 11.06.2017

"Für Weitfeldbeobachtung bestens geeignet."