TS-Optics 70 mm f/5 Quadruplet Flatfield Apo with 3-Element FPL53 Objective Reviews


TS-Optics 70 mm f/5 Quadruplet Flatfield Apo with 3-Element FPL53 Objective

EUR 1.345,00RRP EUR 1.899,00you save 29.2% (EUR 554,00)

Product number TSAPO71Q

5/5 Reviews


Wrote by Dominik M. on 19.07.2023

Excellent refractor! Very sturdy construction and the optics show great star shapes in the corner of my 2600MC Pro. The focuser is solid, does not slip, and easily takes an EAF. The built in rotator has also come in handy and doesnt have any play when locked.

Wrote by Matt P. on 24.12.2022

"First off - thanks to TS-Optics for prompt and secure shipping to the US! I got this faster than I get things from some US retailers. Regarding the scope, this is an excellent refractor! With my ASI2600MC-Pro (APS-C), stars are just about perfect to the corners with no visible chromatic aberration. That´s outstanding correction for an F/5 telescope at this price point. I look forward to imaging with this scope for many years to come!"

Wrote by Zdenek S. on 29.06.2022

"Excellent mechanical stability of focuser. Great optical performance, pin point stars up to corners of APS-C size chip. Comfortable weight for CG-5 mount. Easy camera connection, no need to fine tune the sensor distance. Completely met my expectations of short focal length lens for long exposure astrophotography."

Wrote by Alexander G. on 08.04.2021

"Sehr guter Apo. Lässt sich einfach scharfstellen, runde Sterne bis in die Ecken. Nutze ihn mit einer Asi 294 MC Pro. Allzu viele Versuche hatte ich noch nicht, aber bisher bin ich sehr zufrieden!"

Wrote by Stefan B. on 24.05.2017

"Eine Skala auf den Drehknöpfen für die Fokussierung (zusätzlich zur Skala am Teleskop selbst) wäre hilfreich"