TS-Optics GSO 8" f/12 Cassegrain telescope 203/2436 mm OTA Reviews


TS-Optics GSO 8" f/12 Cassegrain telescope 203/2436 mm OTA

EUR 1.134,00RRP EUR 1.190,00you save 4.7% (EUR 56,00)

Product number TSCas8M

3/3 Reviews


Wrote by Peter C. on 25.03.2023

"Kein kommentar"

Wrote by Dr. Michael M. on 10.08.2021

People should know this, this telescope has an effective diameteter of 186mm not 203mm as advertised by GSO(TS, orion etc). I measured this myself and confirmed it to be true after reading a review which included feedback from Ageenaastro and GSO but I had to measure for myself. This makes the linear obstruction 36% and the F ratio 13. Other than that I look forward to testing this scope as the Optics on my RC8 scopes have been good.

Wrote by Roland K. on 23.08.2020

"Hobby astronom"