Astronomik ASHB2 - H-Beta-Filter - 2 Zoll Bewertungen


Astronomik ASHB2 - H-Beta-Filter - 2 Zoll

EUR 199,00

Art.Nr. 8h0058

3/3 Bewertungen


Geschrieben von Stefano M. am 18.02.2022

"Ottimo prodotto "

Geschrieben von Gast am 20.07.2019

This new Astronomik H-Beta filter is definitely in top-tier to have. Transmission is strictly within announced range (other filters, with just a few exceptions, are much wider and typically catching some part of O-III as well). Horsehead Nebula (IC 434), which was always a challenge with good UHC filters before, was an easy target even on 10" dobsonian, yet very detailed on 16" under dark skies. Other hydrogen objects in the sky were good as well.

Geschrieben von Michel W. am 06.12.2017

"Wie spezifiziert"